I have a document in Planetpress designer version 5 and In order to control the length of a box on a page I have the following code in the Width field for the box:
=if(&gNumberPieChartElements > 1,5.6,4.998)
This evaluates correctly and displays the box correctly depending on the condition.
However, when I open the document and view the messages pane I get the following error:
0 - 12:26:29 PTK0040 : Type/syntax() "&gNumberPieChartElements" with line "if(&gNumberPieChartElements > 1,5.6,4.998)" in object $Page1 Conversion error
The variable &gNumberPieChartElements is declared as a global variabe of type integer with default value equal to 0.
Just wondering why this error is showing up and how I can prevent it?? As I mentioned earlier the error isn't manifesting itself in any way in document - from what I can see at moment.
Many Thanks