I am currently printing a delivery ticket.
The body of the ticket has 4 main columns.
1-Product number
2-Product description
3-Quantity ordered
4-Date wanted.
The product number has a possible 12 positions.
I need to print a bar code of the 12 character product number.
I removed my product number 'data' and I replaced it with a barcode using lines 24 to 42 and columns 1 to 12.
I have the line repeat set. In the vertical displacement I have:
=if(ne(@(¤t.line,1,1),''), 0.2500,-&height)
In the Iteration Condition I have:
Not all lines have a part number. It is possible
to have from 1 to 9 part numbers on a page.
My problem is:
I need the barcode to print to the left of the first line of the product description. Right now, it is not uniform.