Only the 6 digits between the dashes of your upgrade serial numbers should "match" the ones installed. (ie: AA00P-123456-1234)
When you install the upgrade with the matching serial number, your activation codes (printer and software) are automatically uploaded to the new version. This way, you will not need to activate again.
If none of the upgrade serial numbers you received match the ones you have installed, please contact us at customercare@ca.objectiflune.com.
If you have already installed using a serial number that did not match your current installation, you may Edit your serial number by going into the Software Activation window under the Help menu of the software, right click on the serial number, Select EDIT and type in the correct serial number.
In this case, please contact activations@ca.objectiflune.com as your activations code may not have been uploaded.
Thank you,
OL Team
Customer Care