Hello all,
I have a question regarding multiple records. Hope I can make it a bit understandable, because english isn't my native language.
The following is the case: i have a xls-file in which there a number of rows that contain an id-number in a certain cell. When an id-number is used in, for instance row 3 to 8 (all in the same column), I have to print this particular id-number in one letter but with the other information from the row 3 to 8. Example: idnr 12345 is in row 1 to 5. In each of this rows there is another piece of info regarding that particular id-number but that info is in the same column (for example: in row 1 his age in column B, in row 2 his height in column B and so on). The goal is to print that id-number just one time in the lay-out and then the different pieces of info from the rows with that same id-umber.
Hope it is clear what I mean
. I can't find a way for doing this, but i hope it is possible with PSM 6.
Thanks for any help!!!