you could use the skinning engine to check and see if the field has a value. Add the
following code to the end of template.php file of the skin. This will enable/disable the "Proceed"-button on the shipping otpions page in the
The code below is a combination of PHP and JavaScript (acutally using
the JQuery library which is part of the PSW installation).
Ideally you create a separate php file for this code and include that one in the template.php. This will help keeping things organized (but it
is not required).
if($_SESSION[nav][cPageID] == "checkout_shippingoptions"){
if($_SESSION[checkout][aOrder][aShipping][fcShippingAddress1] == ""){
<script language="JavaScript1.2">
$("#saveButton").attr("disabled", "disabled");
$("#cShipToThisAddressFieldset").append("<div id=\"addresswarning\"
style=\"margin-top:0.5em;padding-left:0.5em;color:red;\">Your address
information is not complete. Click the pencil icon to enter the
} else {
<script language="JavaScript1.2">
Hope this helps