PrintShop Web does not have a build in feature to achieve this. There is
a way to overcome this using the skinning engine providing an even
greater flexibility.
The steps below describe how the 'Person Code' of a user account can be
used to populate a user input field. One could misuse this field to
store the groupid code.
Preparing your PrintShop Mail document
1) Open a PrintShop Mail document and create a datafield called 'groupid'
2) Publish the document to PrintShop Web.
Preparing your web site skin
1) Locate the template.php of your PSW web site skin (e.g. C:\Program
Files\PrintShop Web\Website\templates\default).
2) Add the following code snippet to the end of this file and store the
<? if($_SESSION[nav][cPageID] == "preview_userinput"){ ?>
<script language="JavaScript1.2">
var inputField = $("span:contains('Groupid:') ~ input")
inputField.attr('value','<? echo $_SESSION[User][fcPersonCode];
<? } ?>
3) Launch your browser and log on to PSW
4) Create a new document based on the uploaded template. The input field
of the GroupID variable is automatically populated and its appearance is
set to read only.
The code snippet combines PHP and JavaScript (jQuery). It locates the
input field of the 'groupid' field and populates this with the Person
Code of the logged in user. In addition the field is set to 'read only'
preventing the user to override the data. This is just an example which
can be expanded and altered to match your workflow (an example would be
adding an ajax request to call a PHP file that retrieves ids from a
database or data file using the users information).