Sorry, too much information. Hopefully this will clear it up.
There is not a way to assign one publication type to multiple companies. We manipulated the database to fix this problem. Now the Publication Type shows up in all 11 companies.
When ordering an item, PSW will get the shipping address from the department or company.
The problem:
Apparently, PSW gets the shipping info by looking for the company that belongs to the Publication type. The result is that it gets the address for the first (or last) of the 11 companies it comes to.
For example
Company - Address - Pub type
A - 1 - 0
B - 2 - 0
C - 3 - 0
D - 4 - 0
The address of company "A" is "1"
The address of company "B" is "2"
If I login as company "C" and order Pub Type "0". PSW retrieves the address "1" from company "A" because it is the first (or last) company it comes to that has Pub Type "0".
P. Brittle