You would have to use presstalk code to print all the page 3, then all the page 4, and then apply stapling to the whole document. All of which must be done in the same print job. This means that:
- Your printer needs to support switching trays in the middle of a job, and you need to have the correct ppd for your printer.
- Your printer needs to support stapling together documents that comes from two different trays.
- You use a format of data that we can put all on one page of data. PlanetPress cannot move "backward" in your data, so we have to have everything available on one datapage, and use PressTalk to generate the pages dynamically.
If you meet all these conditions, you need to actually build the presstalk, which can be complicated, depending on what king of logic you need in your form. You will need to code a logic to generate pages using PressTalk that reads through your data. This is something advanced, for which I do not have an example, since these are customized solutions, and usually out of scope of a support issue, it is handled as a paid project by our professional services.
You also need to take into account the limitations of sheets you can print at once on your printer. Two jobs stapled together, unless they are both very small, could fail to staple correctly if there is too many sheets to staple.
In other words, it's only possible in certain situations, depending on whether your printer can do it and if your data is in a certain format, and even then, it's not something that would be easy to implement.