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#30845 - 03/25/10 10:05 AM OMR problem
msgopala Offline
OL Newbie

Registered: 03/04/10
Posts: 25
Loc: Greensboro, NC
FYI - We have PP7

We have used a OMR code to define the BOC (begin of coalition), EOC (end of coalition) etc. The OMR should change to BOC or EOC with a document number change condition.

Although my condition works, my OMR will not change to BOC or EOC on the document# change. What am I doing wrong ?

#30846 - 03/25/10 10:12 AM Re: OMR problem


Just to be sure, the BOC and EOC are two different objects that both have conditions applied to them, something like &FirstPage and &LastPage ?

How are these conditions evaluated?


#30847 - 03/25/10 12:33 PM Re: OMR problem
msgopala Offline
OL Newbie

Registered: 03/04/10
Posts: 25
Loc: Greensboro, NC
We do not have &FirstPage and &LastPage conditions and donot know how to apply them to the BOC and EOC objects even if we created them.

How could we set the end of mail piece flag to true as it defaults to false in the omr property and we are not able to do this programmatically, i.e change it on the fly.

We had a end of mailpiece variable that was set to true but don't know how to toggle between BOC and EOC objects. Do we need to have 2 OMR objects ? I am guessing not.

#30848 - 03/25/10 12:38 PM Re: OMR problem

Hi Madhu wink ,

- When you perform a PDF preview, do you see the barcode changes?

- When you edit the properties of your scan code object, what are the Setting/Value pairs?

For example

Setting: End of Mail Piece
Value: =GetMeta('SelectedIndexInGroup[0]', 1, 'Job.Group.Document.DataPage.Page')=GetMeta('SelectedPageCount[0]', 1, 'Job.Group')

i.e. when the current Page index in the current group equals the total number of Pages in that Group.

- If your barcode behavior depend on Metadata values, remember that metadata must be created for the behavior to be as expected.

Hope this helps!


#30849 - 03/25/10 03:35 PM Re: OMR problem
msgopala Offline
OL Newbie

Registered: 03/04/10
Posts: 25
Loc: Greensboro, NC
Hello Ben,

Hope you are doing well smile

Well we do have a barcode and it works wells and changes on every page etc. This is the Pitney Bowes OMR scancode that is problematic.

The scan code settings for the PB OMR is defaulting to false and there is no Value field to be set like there is for a regular barcode.

Could you please email me or Libby and let us know how we could set the end of coalition and begin of coalition using the metadata for the PB scancode.


#30850 - 03/25/10 05:03 PM Re: OMR problem

Hi Madhu,

Ok I will try to communicate with you as soon as possible and post back the outcome here for the benefit of the community.


#30851 - 03/25/10 05:15 PM Re: OMR problem
msgopala Offline
OL Newbie

Registered: 03/04/10
Posts: 25
Loc: Greensboro, NC
Hi Ben,

I tried what you said but it still did not work

#30852 - 03/25/10 05:17 PM Re: OMR problem
msgopala Offline
OL Newbie

Registered: 03/04/10
Posts: 25
Loc: Greensboro, NC
Ok thanks smile

#30853 - 03/26/10 06:32 PM Re: OMR problem
Barry_ Offline
OL Newbie

Registered: 10/28/09
Posts: 19
Loc: London

The Pitney Bowes OMR object only has a field to set an EOC condition. Once this has been set the BOC mark is automatically calculated.

The way that I do this is as follows:

Set a condition to flag true when page 1 is found. This can be either a straight text condition (when 'page 1' is found for example) or the new 'Value Change' condition, which flags true when a field changes... whatever you find easiest.

Once you have done this, set up your Metadata, in the document properties, using the previously set condition as the 'begin' group marker. Refresh the Metadata.

Once you have Metadata available, you can set up a condition to flag EOC. You can do this in a condition (which you will use as the OMR object's EOC condition) or put the Metadata comparison straight into the OMR object.

A comparison would look something like that posted above by Benoit.

 =GetMeta('SelectedIndexInGroup[0]', 1, 'Job.Group.Document.DataPage.Page')=GetMeta('SelectedPageCount[0]', 1, 'Job.Group'))
When the above comparison is true, the EOC mark is triggered.

Hope that helps.

#30854 - 03/29/10 02:07 PM Re: OMR problem

We managed to solve this problem.

The PlanetPress Design document was pretty complex, with external multi-page PDFs called with PlanetPress Talk. Moreover, blank pages were sometimes added for duplexing purpose.

Fortunately, all the logic of adding blank pages was already here. Same for importing external PDF.

So, after analysis of the problem, it appeared that the EOC (End of Collation) Mark on the OMR would have to appear NOT on the last page, but on the previous one, because the last page would always be an even page (i.e. the back side of the last sheet of paper for this group).

So we made the EOC Mark appear based a condition that looks like this:

=GetMeta('SelectedIndexInGroup[0]', 1, 'Job.Group.Document.DataPage.Page')=inttostr(strtoint(GetMeta('SelectedPageCount[0]', 1, 'Job.Group'))-1)
That is: Display the EOC Mark only when the current page index in the current group is equal to the total number of pages in that group minus one.

In addition, we made the OMR object appear only on even pages, with a condition based on the metadata page 'side' attribute, which has to be 'face'.


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