Although you will always need PlanetPress Design running on a PC to create the document, there is another way to avoid Windows at runtime.
This solution is to use iWatch, a program that runs on AS/400. It will detect either the content of 'Formtype' or 'UserData' to automatically match a spoolfile to the corresponding PlanetPress document before sending both directly to the printer. iWatch provides an easy interface to configure all required queues.
This solution avoid the creation of as many printer queues that there are documents to print onto therefore making it a good choice if you have plenty of PlanetPress Document to address.
In addition to this, you will be able to keep all PlanetPress documents on the AS/400. This means you will not have to manage documents on printers.
If you have only one or just a few document to manage, then, you may not bother to create and configure properly each corresponding output queues but if you think this could be a better solution for you, ask your Objectif Lune distributor about it.