Welcome to the PlanetPress Suite 6 feature request forum. This forum is meant as a place where you can suggest what features you would like to see in future versions of PlanetPress Suite.
Before posting, understand that PlanetPress Suite 6 no longer receives major new features and its updates are generally released to resolve issues in the software. If you want new features, it would be best at this point to update to PlanetPress Suite version 7.
Note that we cannot discuss features that may (or may not) appear in future versions, rumors, or anything else about the future of PlanetPress Suite. When and where these information are meant to be publicly available, they will be released through newsletters and the
Press Release Center.
Also, here are a few small guidelines for posting on these forums:
- Please be as descriptive as possible in your post and give us all the relevant information. We have yet to discover the power of mind reading
- Never post any personal or confidential on this forum - it is accessible by anyone and is not secure (same goes for links to files on other servers). If you wouldn't want it on the first page of your newspaper, it shouldn't be on the Internet!
- Keep it civil and try to follow the netiquette . We're all human with emotions, but solutions are rarely achieved when those emotions are high. Plus, your boss may be reading this later!
- Spam, violence, racism, personal insults and other unwanted behaviours will be dealt with swiftly with the wrath of your favourite deity.
- There are no robots, automated message, or canned response in these forums. Everyone that answers you is a human that typed a response. That is, as far as we know.
- And above and beyond all, please enjoy your time here, don't be afraid to ask anything and participate if you want to lend a hand.