Hi All
I know PDF Marks are not officially supported hence me asking this on the forum.
I am creating a PP Design document which requires many unique check boxes.
I am able to create 1 unique check box using the following PressTalk
passthrough('[ /_objdef {afields1} /type /array /OBJ pdfmark')
passthrough('[ /_objdef {aform1} /type /dict /OBJ pdfmark')
passthrough('[ {aform1} << /Fields {afields1}')
passthrough('/DR << /Font << >> >>')
passthrough('/DA (/Helv 12 Tf 1 g )')
passthrough('/NeedAppearances true >> /PUT pdfmark')
passthrough('[ {Catalog} << /AcroForm {aform1} >> /PUT pdfmark')
passthrough('[ /Subtype /Widget/Rect [ 0 0 13 13 ]')
passthrough('/T (Checkbox)')
passthrough('/FT /Btn')
passthrough('/H /P')
passthrough('/F 4')
passthrough('/MK << /BC [ 1 0 0 ] /BG [ 1 1 1 ] /CA (4) >>')
passthrough('/DA (/ZaDb 0 Tf 0 g)')
passthrough('/ANN pdfmark')
This is fine as it works when creating a check box.
My problem is, I need to create multiple unique check boxes and I am unsure how the naming convention works in this case.
If I do a direct duplicate of the check box, they are related, meaning if I check one both will get checked.
What I need to do is uniquely identify each one separately and I was hoping someone wit PDF Mark experience could assist with me with the naming.