I've been trying to add a number of hyperlinks to text within a pdf.
I have seen post
http://www.objectiflune.com/forum2/ubbth...=true#Post36060which lays out the method for achieving this which works just fine.
However I have 1 - 5 different word/link combos I would like to use but I can't pre-create text boxes manually so I was wondering if its possible to set a statement (number of lines of code) within an array value?
I've tried something as simple as
array[0] := 'passthrough('[ /Rect [ 0 0 '+inttostr(floattoint(&width*72))+' '+inttostr(floattoint(&height*72))+' ]')'
but I get errors about mismatched ''. Plus, I really need to get the whole statement in there not just one line.
Is this in anyway possible?