ok what i tried in the long run actually didn't work with only the condition above
now I'm stuck
ok so what I'm trying to do is this i have 15 lines of data on a page in a spool file as follows
data 001
data 001
data 002
data 003
data 003
Data 003
data 004
data 005
Data 005
data 005
Data 006
data 007
data 007
data 007
Data 007
Now the number at the end of each line changes with out a pattern so it can change every other line, every two lines, three lines and so on or totally randomly like in the sample i wrote out above. Now in the form on the design i need to color each line after the change (the letter C will represent this below) so like this:
data 001 C
data 001 C
data 002
data 003 C
data 003 C
Data 003 C
data 004
data 005 C
Data 005 C
data 005 C
Data 006
data 006
data 006
data 006
Data 007 C
Now I created the box objects with color to shade under each line of data, and I don't know how to condition it so it actually works. I tried with the condition that one line = previous line (there 3 actual lines of break between each data line that is to be considered, that's why the number in the condition I wrote before varied by 3)but this would not color the first line right after the change and would start on the second line of each number repetition. Anyone thinks they can help me? Thanks a lot in advance