Good morning friends at Objectif Lune,
I am curious if I am going down the wrong path with how I have been approaching making modifications to a form.
I currently have the strip function in place on a data selection that removes several different tidbits of text from the data.
The data selection is a line repeat and the custom data selection is populated with the following.
=strip('- N (No Cr', (strip('(Sales Adj', (strip('- A (Retur', (strip('- B (Sp.Li',(strip('- C (Salva',(strip('- D (Short',(strip('- E (Color',@(¤t.line, 43, 60))))))))))))))
This has been working great until I was presented with this now, I need to replace a chunk of text with another chunk of text. I need to go through the document and find "Dumped for Backhau" and replace it with "Miscellaneous"
I started to play around with the stringreplace function but haven't be successful in bringing it into the current string.
I rarely get to play with any scripting in PlanetPress so it's always a bear to get through.
Thanks for your help!