Hi Gina,
If the barcore data is always on the same line, and if the character '<' is found only once on that line, then you could use a PlanetPress Talk expression as a custom data selection in your barcode object.
Here is an example.
Let's say the string '<XXXXXXXX>' can be found anywhere in the first line of data, between column 1 and 80. We're using a text data file (i.e. not a pdf, an xml or a database field).
Then the PlanetPress Talk expression in the barcode object could be:
i.e. display the 8 characters following the first occurence of '<' in the first line of the data page.
If you want to adapt this expression for use in your own barcode object, just change @(1,1,80) to a line where the barcode value can be found.
I hope it helps!