I tried to add an crlf to an existing string.
I need to create an adressfiled with different information from an xml. I tried to use an if-statement to locate the existing information an add them to an locale variable which i tried to print that on my page.
Here is teh code i tried to use
if(&an_name1 <> '')
if(&an_name2 = '')
&an_namen:=&an_namen + '\013\010' + '2.Zeile' + &an_name2
if(&an_name3 = '')
&an_namen:=&an_namen + '\010' + char(10) + '3.Zeile' + &an_name3
I tried different
- char(13)+char(10)
- '\013\010'
- crlf() <- which braught me an error, because you can use it only in show()
The support told me to use '\013\010' wont work.
The support told me to use char(13)+char(10), same