Hi all,
I can't find this anywhere so hopefully it hasn't been asked before.
We print mostly N-up and for quality control reasons need to flag each layout in some way (so e.g. if printing A4 portrait 2-up onto A3 we might mark the left layout with an 'L' and the right with 'R' to allow us to differentiate them). At the moment i'm doing this in the data by applying an 'L' or 'R' to alternating records BUT the problem with this is that which side it's printed on depends on which record we start printing at (so if we start at record 1 it prints 'L' on the left as expected but if we start at record 2 the left-hand layout will print with an 'R', which clearly isn't what we're after).
Is there some way to get PrintShop Mail to print a flag or similar on the layouts independently of the data so that it always correctly marks e.g. the left hand layout with an 'L' (or other marking) and the right-hand layout with an 'R' ? Or perhaps some entirely different way of achieving what we're after ?
Thanks in advance for any help,