Currently using GetMeta to display page count for a barcode. The issue I'm having is postscript attachments are not capturing in the GetMeta('SelectedPageCount[0]', 1, 'Job.Group.Document') expression.

What can I do to set postscript attachments as part of the metadata capture?

My document has 4 pages setup and one has 'page ejects' unchecked, this will have the attachments. Do I need to add some type of metadata call in the condition for each PS file?

CODE for page count:

&MDPgCnt := StrToInt(GetMeta('SelectedPageCount[0]', 1, 'Job.Group.Document'))

%since we print duplex I divide the count by 2
If(Mod(&MDPgCnt,2) <> 0)
&MDPgCnt := (&MDPgCnt/2)+1
&MDPgCnt := &MDPgCnt/2

&PageCount := IntToStr(&MDPgCnt)