I was able to do a function that way.
1. Create a function that stores the value of the data selection.
2.If the value has a fixed size, remove the part that represents the centennial and thousand position.
3. perform the conversion process using 'strtofloat' and 'floattostr'.
4. Verify that the value in the decimal part or the thousand part has been stripped of all zeros and kept the entire part.
5. Follow the code.
function @removeZero(): string
define (&value, string, '0000001.025.48')
define (&initial, integer, 0)
define (&new, string, floattostr (strtofloat (&value)))
define (&hundred, string, left (right (&value, 5), 3))
define (&thousands, string, floattostr (strtofloat (left (&value, 8))))
define (&ten, string, right (&new, 2))
&initial: = length (floattostr (strtofloat (&value)))
if (&initial < 6)
if (length (floattostr (strtofloat(&hundred))) = 2)
&hundred: = floattostr(strtofloat(&hundred))
&new: = &hundred + ',' + &tens
&new: = &hundred + ',' + &tens
endif ()
&new: = &thousands + '.' + &hundred + ',' + &tens
endif ()
&result: = &new
endfunction ()