I am currently trying to construct a DataMatrix barcode per UPSMI specifications. These particular specs require a total of 13 tabs to separate the relevant fields within the barcode.
For some reason though, I'm having trouble getting the tab to actually appear when scanning. There is a previous topic on this issue (
Tab in Datamatrix Barcode) ) - and after reading said topic, I've tried separating my fields with '\011' and I've tried using 'char(09)'. The former simply behaves as plaintext when scanned and does not get parsed as a tab. The latter actually does seem to create the tab, but it also leaves a 9 there. If I could get it to behave so the tab is created but the '9' is not left there, that would be perfect. And I don't quite understand why the '9' is left there if the control character (char(09)) is being read as a tab.
This barcode, if it matters, is being pulled from a view that is based on several Db2 tables. I tried creating separation within the view by using chr(05) - but this proved fruitless as well.
For the 2D barcode, there doesn't seem to be any relevant options in the barcode properties that would have any bearing on the behavior I'm seeing.
Does anyone have any thoughts or ideas on this?