What do you mean by " How would I go about picking up that amount field so I can put it in a file"?
You wan to extract that value from the data file and save it into another file?
If that is the case, then your best bet would be to do this in PlanetPress Watch through a script.
Simply read the data file line by line and check on each if the keyword "Due US" is found. If it is, grab it and the following amount up to 2 number after the decimal separator "." and store this in a Watch variable.
Set ObjFso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set ObjFile = ObjFso.OpenTextFile(Watch.GetJobFileName)
Do Until ObjFile.AtEndOfStream
StrData = ObjFile.ReadLine
posKeyword = InStr(StrData,"Due US")
if posKeyword > 0 then
Watch.SetJobInfo 1, Mid(StrData,posKeyword,(InStr(StrData,".")+2)-(posKeyword-1))
Exit Do
End if
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