Hi Andy,
With just PlanetPress Design, you won't be able to reorder the pages of the output pdf that you're producing, they will come in the order that they come in your XML data.
However, in PlanetPress Workflow, there are ways you could do this. The first one is using Metadata. First, you'd call a "Create Metadata" action to create Metadata for your document. Then, you can use the various Metadata tools, such as the Metadata Fields Management or the Metadata Sorter to reorder pages and data pages. Then, use a Create PDF to produce your pdf output. It will use the new Metadata file to determine the order of the pages, and the result will be a pdf file with reordered pages.
Another method would be to use a script with the PDF Api. They are a collection of tools that allows you to modify pdf files, and you could have a script after you create your pdf output to reorder the pages. I don't have an example right now, but here's the reference guide for the PDF API:
http://help.objectiflune.com/files/EN/alambicedit-api/AlambicEdit.htmlThere are also several examples of PDF API scripts on the newsgroup that have already been posted if you search for them, so you can use them as a starting point and go from there.
Hope that helps!
Raphaël Lalonde Lefebvre